Root Canal and Extractions

Root Canal and Extractions 

Root canal treatment is a procedure to relieve dental pain and save your teeth. A root canal is needed when there is inflammation and the infection is in the nerve of the tooth. During root canal treatment, we will carefully remove the diseased nerve tissue inside the tooth with special small instruments. 

Once the nerve is removed, the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. Medications are placed and a filling is then used to seal the space. 

Sometimes Tooth Extraction is Needed

Teeth that are severely infected and broken may not be able to be saved with root canal treatment. These teeth can cause pain, swelling, and inflammation and need to be removed. Sometimes these teeth need to be sectioned and taken out in two or three pieces. 

At Cross Creek Family Dentistry, we remove all types of teeth, including wisdom teeth. Call us today to schedule an appointment. 
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